敬拜 Worship — 1.5 Generation Congregation


敬拜不一定是要用音樂,可以是用音樂、語言、肢體、思想(當然最好還是能表達出來),甚至文字、繪畫等,對上帝降服、讚美、或感恩: 1) 祂的屬性中的偉大美好;2)祂行的事;3)祂對我個人的好。


Music is not the only way to worship.  Worship is using music, words, body movement, thoughts (of course it’s still better if we can express our thoughts), even written words and paintings, to express our surrender, praise, or thanksgiving for : 1) who God is and how great He is;  2) what great things He has done in general;  3) what good things He has done for me personally.