EFCI 1.5 Generation

EFCI 1.5G 是一個座落於加州橙縣,專注於雙語、雙文化華語社區的現代化崇拜,我們希望為各個人生階段(包括學生、單身人士、已婚夫妻和有孩子的夫婦)打造一個以神的話語為根基的屬靈家園。

EFCI 1.5G is a contemporary worship service that caters to the bilingual and bicultural Mandarin-speaking community in the Orange County, Ca. We desire to build a spiritual home rooted in the Word of God for all stages of life including students, singles, married couples and couples with kids.



我們的異象 Our VISion

讓教會中的1.5代 ,在全備的聖經真理中以實際的技能發展他們的潛能,在上帝所安置的社區中成長茁壯.

To empower the 1.5 generation with sound, biblical truths and practical skills in order to thrive within the communities that God has placed us. 


主日崇拜 Sunday Service

Sunday 11:15am - 12:30pm
17422 Armstrong Ave
Irvine, CA, 92614

(949) 261-8007


楊舒凱牧師 Pastor kitty lin


Kitty牧師 12 歲時從台灣移民來到南加州。 從Talbot神學院攻讀MDiv碩士學位後,上帝呼召她進入雙職業事工,在那裡她擔任物業管理經理並牧養青年牧區五年。 服事上帝和那些具有雙文化和雙語(華語和英語)背景的人一直是上帝給她的呼召。

除了擔任牧師之外,Kitty牧師以自己是美食家而自豪。她喜愛與來自福州,14 歲時移民美國的丈夫林立,一起嘗試各種不同的美食。自從他們開始約會以來,他們就沒有停止過尋找最好的提拉米蘇。 在閒暇時間,他們喜歡和孩子們一起去IKEA散步,最後給孩子們送上一隻霜淇淋作為獎賞。

1.5G是我們在後現代世界中建立耶穌追隨者文化的地方。 雖然Kitty牧師相信教導聖經教義(研讀聖經、什一奉獻等)的重要性,但我們更強調在當代背景下成為耶穌忠誠和慷慨的門徒的重要性,因為她認為教會應該是一個「人們被上帝賦予能力,因而為這個社會帶來改變」的地方。

A mother of two, a wife, an immigrant, and a beloved child of God.

Pr. Kitty came to SoCal from Taiwan when she was 12 years old. After earning her M.Div from Talbot Seminary, God called her into a bi-vocational ministry where she worked as a property manager and pastored the young adult groups for five years. Serving God and those with a bicultural and bilingual (Mandarin and English) background has been a calling God has given her. Other than being a pastor, Pr. Kitty prides herself as being a foodie, venturing into all sorts of different cuisines with her husband, Li, who came from Fuzhou when he was 14. Ever since they started dating, they haven’t stopped searching for the best tiramisu. During their down time, they love to take strolls in Ikea with their kids, finishing them off with an ice cream cone as a treat for the little ones.

1.5G is a place where we build the culture of Jesus-follower in a post-modern world. While Pastor Kitty believes the importance of teaching Biblical doctrines (read the Bible, tithing etc), we emphasize more on the importance on being a committed and generous disciple of Jesus in the contemporary context because she believes church should be a place where people are empowered by God to be the thriving change in our greater community.

Ready for the challenge? Join us to be part of the Jesus-follower movement!

Email: kitty@efci.org
Office Tel: (949)261.8007 ext. 109