Need Prayer? 需要禱告/祝福?

  • If you have any prayer request, you may write your prayer request to: (24/7)

    若您有代禱事項, 您可以email告訴代禱團隊: (24/7)

  • Welcome to join our prayer intercession during the response time (come to the right side at the front of the room).

    歡迎會後留下接受代禱和祝福(代禱團隊 會在堂會右前方等您)

Other Prayer Requests / 其他代禱事項

  • Pray for all of us to have a fresh start with the Lord.

Announcements / 報告事項

  1. 歡迎! Welcome to 1.5Gen! Please join our FB Group, like our FB page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel if you have not done so!

  2. 12/31 (Tuesday) 7:30-9:00pm EFCI worship night 讚美敬拜晚夜let us use worship to celebrate our 2024 and welcome 2025. Invite your family and friends.

  3. 1/11 (Sat) Co-Worker training 全教會同工訓練9:30am - 1:00pm @ 501 Serrano Summit Dr., Lake Forest. Free lunch and snacks are provided. Please register with Elder Ivy first!

  4. Hiring! We are looking for Children Pastor. If you know anyone who is interested, please email our church: 我們在聘請兒童堂牧者,若有合適的人請與我們聯絡:

  5. Offering 奉獻! If you want your giving to be counted in 2024 donation receipt, please make sure to give by 12/31/24, thank you!

  6. Spending 開支! If your ministry has any spending in 2024, please make sure to submit your receipt along with the reimbursement form before 1/10/25 because our 2024 account will be closed after that. And, all the submissions passed the deadline will not be processed. 2024的費用支票申請截止日為1/10,請大家在截止日前申請,謝謝大家。

  7. Save the date! Marriage Cohort led by Ellen Hong. This will be a semi-close community dedicated to transform our marriage. 。將有7次聚會,1/26 (Sun) @ 1-2:30pm,2/22 (Sat) @ 10-11:30am, 3/30 (Sun) @ 1-2:30pm, 4/26 (Sat) @10-11:30am,6/1(Sun) @ 1-:30pm, 9/13 (Sat) @ 10-11:30am ,10/20 (Sun) @1-2:30pm,歡迎大家參加!

Lake Forest Announcements / 報告事項

1. 1/5 (Sunday) 4-5pm @ Calvary Chapel Foothill Ranch. We will have our grand opening for EFC Lake Forest. 森林湖新堂開幕禮拜