Need Prayer? 需要禱告/祝福?

  • If you have any prayer request, you may write your prayer request to: (24/7)

    若您有代禱事項, 您可以email告訴代禱團隊: (24/7)

  • Welcome to join our prayer intercession during the response time (come to the right side at the front of the room).

    歡迎會後留下接受代禱和祝福(代禱團隊 會在堂會右前方等您)

Other Prayer Requests / 其他代禱事項

  • Pray for our divided nation

  • Pray for EFC Lake Forest

Announcements / 報告事項

  1. 歡迎! Welcome to 1.5Gen! Please join our FB Group, like our FB page, and subscribe to our YouTube Channel if you have not done so!

  2. 3/5 (Wed) 8-9pm EFCI prayer meeting 全教會禱告會Zoom ID: 852-9814-5012 PW: Unity

  3. 3/9 (Sun) 1:00pm Elder & deacon board meeting 長執會

  4. 3/15 (Sat) 9:30am-2pm Mission Conference 宣教年會. This year, we offer Saturday workshops with lunch provided. If you are interested, please sign up! 報名網址:

  5. 3/16 (Sun) Mission Conference Sunday. 宣教年會主日We will start our service on 9:30am and continue to 12:30pm.

  6. Due to personal reasons (taking care of young toddler, long commute etc) Pastor Angel will resign as a youth pastor, but she’ll continue to serve till the end of June. For now, we will continue looking for a suitable candidate to shepherd our youths. Pastor Angel Chau 吳恩悅傳道因家庭,孩子,距離的因素,決定6 月底請辭青少年牧者,請為她們一家前面的路代禱,教會也將繼續尋找合適的青少年牧者。

  7. Early Childhood needs helpers and teachers. Please contact them if you have any questions:

  8. 4/4 (Fri evening) -4/6 (Sun morning) Men’s camp 弟兄營@Oneill Regional Park $50 includes 5 meals, only 60 spots available. Sign up soon!

Lake Forest Announcements / 報告事項

  1. 3/2 (Sunday) 4-5pm Sunday service @ Calvary Chapel Foothill Ranch. 森林湖新堂主日崇拜。