奉獻 Give — 1.5 Generation Congregation

奉獻 Offering

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)


Whether you'd like to give a single gift, schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online. It's quick, easy and secure.


網上奉獻 Online Giving

If you give offering on church website:
教會要負擔奉獻金額的2.3% 以及$0.35的手續費
There will be 2.3% in service fees + $0.35 per transaction charged to EFCI.
如果您想避免教會負擔手續費, 以下教導二種方式可避免手續費
If you want to avoid EFCI being charged with the service fee, currently there are two methods that you may consider:

Donate Using the Button Below

網上奉獻 常見問題

Online Giving FAQ's

為宣教基金奉獻 Donating to EMCI Mission

宣教基金奉獻,請至教會宣教機構 EMCI. For mission fund donation, please go to the EMCI website: https://www.emcimission.org/ministry

或支票抬頭 EMCI or write check payable to EMCI. And send the check to church.

傳統奉獻方式 Traditional Giving:

You can give by placing cash or check in the offering bag at any of our Sunday services. Please make check payable to EFCI. If you’d like to mail the offering check, please use the below address:
您可在主日的時候將要奉獻的現金或是支票投入奉獻袋中. 支票抬頭請寫 EFCI. 如果選擇用郵寄的方式, 請將奉獻支票寄到以下地址:

EFC – Irvine
17422 Armstrong Ave.
Irvine · CA 92614 · USA