我們是?Who Are We?
簡單來說,一般華人的移民,稱為第一代,他們在這裡出生的小孩(常稱為ABC, American born Chinese)為第二代。狹義的1.5代則是在亞洲出生,在大學畢業前來到美國(或其他西方國家)求學,受西方教育影響的族群。當廣義上,可以泛指在文化、思想、溝通方式、價值觀上,介於亞洲傳統文化及西方文化中的一群人。不論你幾歲來到美國,只要在這裡你覺得文化上適應,你就是1.5代!
我們聚會的語言為"Chinglish",專給華語、雙語背景參加的敬拜聚會。我們喜歡和你一樣用Chinglish表達自己,不管是夾雜著中英文的對話,或是略帶口音的中英文,都能讓你我覺得倍感親切. 如果在文化、語言上,你仍然在尋找屬於你的地方,那麼,在這裡有一群和你一樣的人! 有許許多多的堂會,是為第一代華人、或為第二代英語族群設計的,但在廣大的橙縣,卻很少有堂會是為我們這些所謂的1.5代的華人量身打造的。我們希望能尋找並聚集這一個族群,一起來建立一個家 ~ 一個讓我們覺得有歸屬感的主日聚會。
The Common question is, “What is 1.5 Generation?”
In short, the Chinese (culturally Chinese) immigrants just moved to the states are called 1st generation, their children born in the states are called 2nd generation (or casually called ABC). The more narrow definition of 1.5 Generation is the group of people who were born in Asia, but moved to the States (or any western country) before graduation from college, therefore they are under the influence of western education.
"Chinglish" is our main language. The worship service is targeted toward people with bilingual and bi-cultural background. Here in our 1.5 Gen ministry, we will love your CHINGLISH and your unique accent. If you don’t feel fit-in anywhere, we have a bunch of people like you. There are many worship services for the 1st generation, or the 2nd generation Asian Americans, but few are specifically designed for the so called 1.5 generation in Orange County. We want to reach out to this generation and to create a home for you - a service that is specially designed for us so we feel comfortable and belonging!