牧區是由性質或年齡相近的2到7個小組所組成的,這些小組有共同的領導 (區長或輔導),共同的方向目標,也共享一些資源。 1.5代堂會共有3個牧區.
A Shepherding Zone is consisted of multiple small groups. These small groups have same leadership (Zone Leader or Advisor), share the same goal and resources. There are total of 3 Shepherding Zones in 1.5 Generation ministry.
我們是一個雙語夫妻小組。每個小組有不同的聚會時間。 我們的節目包括聖經學習、實用的主題討論(例如我們觀看有關婚姻、育兒、理財教學等的影片)以及每月的特別節目(例如丈夫/妻子之夜、情人節/新年/聖誕節特別活動、遊戲之夜、野餐...等)。 我們有大約4個小組,在基督裡形成了一個強大的互助系統,一起分享我們生活中的喜樂和掙扎。
We are a bilingual, couple small group that consists of couples mostly with kids. Each group has different meeting times. Our program includes Bible study, practical topical discussions (e.g. we watched video about marriage, child raising, financial teaching, and etc.), and monthly special programs (e.g. husbands/wives' night out, Valentine/New Year /Christmas special events, game nights, picnics... etc). We have about 4 small groups, forming a strong support system in Christ sharing our joy and struggles of life together.
Living Spring
EFCI 的活泉團契是針對青年人設立。 如果您是一名剛畢業的大學畢業生,或者是一名在職專業人士,甚至是開始新的職業生涯,活泉就是你的團契! 週五晚上 8 點加入我們吧! 我們很想見到您並打個招呼!
The Living Spring group at EFCI is specifically geared towards the young professional crowd. If you are just a recent college graduate, or a working professional, or even starting a new career, Living Spring is the perfect group for you! So come out! Join us on Friday nights at 8 PM! We would like to meet you and say hello!
Student ministry: mcf @ efci
學生牧區 (目前事工暫時沒有聚會)
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