How can we pray for you?
We are called to pray for one another. We at EFCI 1.5 Generation believes that our God is one that listens to prayers and we are called to pray for the people in our community, nation, and the world in the name of Jesus.
我們應當為彼此禱告。在EFCI 1.5 Generation 堂會相信我們所信的上帝是垂聽禱告的神,而我們受神的呼招來成為禱告勇士來奉主耶穌的名,為我們身邊的人,社區,國家,和這個世界禱告。
Share Your Prayer Request Today - 與我們分享您的禱告事項
1.5 Generation prayer team is on standby to pray for you whether it's for your relationships with God and others, school, careers, health, or anything in between, share with us today. All prayer requests are strictly confidential.
1.5 Generation 的禱告團隊已準備好來為您禱告,為你與神的關係,與人的關係,在學業上,在工作上,身體的將康,和其他的禱告是向來迫切禱告。請您讓我們知道您的禱告事項。您的分享也絕對保密。
If you prefer to email our prayer team, please email us at
Sunday Prayer Service
We have prayer card and pen on the right end of the chapel. You can put your prayer card in an offering bag or in the prayer box. If you would like to be prayed for on Sunday, meet our on-call intercessors at the cross at the end of the service - for intercession, blessing, healing, and any other needs you may have.
您也可以在來主日聚會時,使用進入堂會後右邊禱告版下的禱告卡和筆,把填好的禱告卡在奉獻時投在奉獻袋,或拿到後面的禱告盒裡 (若有需要可匿名). 我們也鼓勵會眾,聚會最後唱回應詩歌時到十字架處我們有代禱團隊為您服事、祝福、醫治禱告.