• 17422 Armstrong Avenue
  • Irvine, CA, 92614
  • United States

This year's EFCI mission conference Iis on March 10th (7:30pm to 9:45) and March 12th (9:45am to 12:30). It will take place in the Main Sanctuary, and the Friday fellowship will be cancel.

By the grace of God, he has given our church a heart for global mission and we want to share his love and message all over the world. This year's theme "Arise and Build", inspired by the prophet Nehemiah. Come and find out what role you can play in God's global purpose.

今年的EFCI宣教年會將會於三月十日(7:30pm to 9:45) 和三月十二日舉行(9:45am to 12:30). 活動會於主堂舉行、周五的團契活動也會取消。

感謝神的帶領,今年教會將開始注重於全球的宣教事工。今年宣教年會的主題是"Arise and Build"啟發於先知尼希米。歡迎大家踴躍參加,來一起尋找ㄨ在上帝的事工中的腳色。