Your Contribution Matters!

我們其實只要一週只要少外食一餐,少喝一杯咖啡或奶茶,我們可以付出足夠的金費來支持這個 Coming Home Project!

1 x Dining Out/ Week

Eating out with friends is fun, but cooking together is far superior.

Instead of eating out, invite a friend over, invite your group over, and let's make this project a reality. 


1 x Coffee or Milk Tea/ Week

Like the most of us, coffee and milk tea are a part of our weekly habits.

However, what if we cut back on it just once a week?

Coming Home Project Fund

If each of us gives up eating out ($15/week) once a week and one coffee ($5/week) - with 500 members at EFCI, we will be able to fully fund the projects in less than 4 months! 

Your contribution directly impacts the funding of the Coming Home project!

Take the #EFCIComingHome Challenge!
