Beyond Reality 超越現況

Beyond Reality 超越現況

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Beyond Reality 超越現況” with Bible pasages from Book of Ruth. During the service, we also took the chance to appreciate our pastor Kitty and prayed for her and her family.

Key to Victory 致勝關鍵

Key to Victory 致勝關鍵

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Key to Victory 致勝關鍵” with Bible pasages Psalm 56.

A New Chapter Awaits

A New Chapter Awaits

On this Sunday, Pastor Will Chen from EFCGA shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “A New Chapter Awaits” with Bible passages from Matt. 9:14-17

Why Do We Go?

Why Do We Go?

On this Mission Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Why Do We Go?” with Bible pasages Book of Jonah. There is also Mission Testimonies by Andy (Uganda), Clark (Togo), and PEACE plan by Pr. KC

Live a life worthy of the calling

Live a life worthy of the calling

On this Sunday, Tracy Tung from DEC shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Live a life worthy of the calling” with Bible passages from Ephesians 4:1-13

Freedom from Judgement 從論斷中得到自由

Freedom from Judgement 從論斷中得到自由

On this Sunday, JouEn shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Freedom from Judgement 從論斷中得到自由” with Bible passages from Matt 7:1-12 and Romans 2:6, 28-29

Freedom From Anxiety 從焦慮中得自由

Freedom From Anxiety 從焦慮中得自由

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Freedom From Anxiety 從焦慮中得自由” with Bible pasages from 1 Thess. 5:16-18, Phil 4:1-9

Are my Prayers being heard?

Are my Prayers being heard?

On this Sunday, Pastor David from SOP shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Are my Prayers being heard?”

Freedom from Addiction

Freedom from Addiction

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Freedom from Addiction” with Bible pasages from John 4, Jeremiah 2

The Super Power of Forgiveness 原諒的超能力

The Super Power of Forgiveness 原諒的超能力

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”The Super Power of Forgiveness 原諒的超能力” with Bible pasages from Genesis 41-44

The Super Power of Morning Prayer

The Super Power of Morning Prayer

On this Sunday, Pastor KC from English ministry shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “The Super Power of Morning Prayer ” with Bible passages from Mark 1:35

The Super Power of Kindness 仁慈的超能力

The Super Power of Kindness 仁慈的超能力

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”The Super Power of Kindness 仁慈的超能力” with Bible pasages from Luke 10:25-37 and Genesis 26:12-33

Building What Matters

Building What Matters

On this Sunday, Pastor Santosh from The Launch Network shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Building What Matters”.

Dealing with Anger Wisely 與憤怒直球對決

Dealing with Anger Wisely 與憤怒直球對決

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of ”Dealing with Anger Wisely 與憤怒直球對決” with Bible pasages from Numbers 20:1-13.

Dealing with Perfectionism 與完美主義直球對決

Dealing with Perfectionism 與完美主義直球對決

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Dealing with Perfectionism 與完美主義直球對決”, the last sermon of the series “Confronting The Innter Enemy”, with Bible pasages from Romans 3:23-25, 8:15-17

Dealing with Regret 與後悔直球對決

Dealing with Regret 與後悔直球對決

On this Sunday, Pastor Ricardo from Capa Tijuana shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Dealing with Regret 與後悔直球對決”, the second sermon of the series “Confronting The Innter Enemy”.

In Between Eternities 在永恆之間

In Between Eternities 在永恆之間

On this Sunday, Pastor Jan from Children Ministry shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “In Between Eternities 在永恆之間” with Bible passages from Ephesians 3:14-21.

Dealing with Comparison 直球對決- 爭競

Dealing with Comparison 直球對決- 爭競

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation with the topic of “Dealing with Comparison 直球對決- 爭競”, the first sermon of the series “Confronting The Innter Enemy”, with Bible pasages from John 20-21 and 1 Samuel 18-20