Why do we give?

Why do we give?

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “Why do we give?” with Bible passage from Matthew 6.

Why is it so hard to love?

Why is it so hard to love?

On this Sunday, Elder Andy and Carol shared with 1.5G congregation “Why is it so hard to love?” with scripture from Ephesians 5:1-2, 22-33; 1 Corinthians 13.

新年新目標 New Year, New Goal

新年新目標 New Year, New Goal

On this Sunday, guest speaker 孫蔭南長老 from 台北新店行道會 shared with us on the topic of “新年新目標 New Year, New Goal”

The Impossible Change 不可能的改變

The Impossible Change 不可能的改變

On this Chinese New Year Gospel Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “The Impossible Change 不可能的改變” with Bible passage from Genesis 32

Seeing God gives us supernatural boldness

Seeing God gives us supernatural boldness

On this Sunday, guest speaker Pastor David Pat from OMF International spoke to 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “Seeing God gives us supernatural boldness” with Bible passages from John 9:39-41

Embracing and Celebrating the Immigrant Church

Embracing and Celebrating the Immigrant Church

On this Sunday, Pastor KC from English ministry shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “Embracing and Celebrating the Immigrant Church” with Bible passages from Matthew 16:18

Hope is Born 盼望降臨了!

Hope is Born 盼望降臨了!

On this Christmas Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation & EM on the topic of “Hope Is Born 盼望降臨了!” with selected passages from Luke 1-2.

The Secrets to a Joyful Life 喜樂人生的秘訣

The Secrets to a Joyful Life 喜樂人生的秘訣

On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “The Secrets to a Joyful Life 喜樂人生的秘訣” with Bible passages from Philippians 4:10-20

What is God's Will for Me?

What is God's Will for Me?

On this Sunday, Pastor KC from English ministry shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “What is God's Will for Me?“ with Bible scripture from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8.

We Are Called to Bring Life

We Are Called to Bring Life

On this Sunday, Missionary from OMF內地會 & Fitness Coach David Pat shared with us on the topic of “We Are Called to Bring Life” with Bible passages from John 11:1-16

One Thing

One Thing

On this Sunday, JouEn Cheng from our own congregation shared with us on the topic of “One Thing” with Bible passages from Luke 10:38-42

Dangers of Complacency 自我滿足的危險性

Dangers of Complacency 自我滿足的危險性

On this Sunday, Pastor Dennis Chou shared with us on the topic of “Dangers of Complacency自我滿足的危險性”, and worship was led by Pastor Sandy Yu from Stream of Praise



On this Sunday, Pastor Will Chen shared with us on the topic of “Awaken” with Bible passages from Revelation 3:1-6.

活出神的定意 Live Out God’s Will

活出神的定意 Live Out God’s Will

On this Sunday, elder Joe shared with us on the topic of “活出神的定意 Live Out God’s Will” with Bible passages from Genesis 45:8.

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

On this Sunday, Elder Peter shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “Decisions, Decisions” with Bible scripture from Mark 14:27-72

邁向成熟 Growing into Maturity

邁向成熟 Growing into Maturity

On this Sunday, guest speaker Sandra Chang shared with us on the topic of “邁向成熟 Growing into Maturity ” with Bible passages from 1 Cor 3:1-4