Unoffendable Heart

Unoffendable Heart

This Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with us on “Unoffendable Heart” with passages from Matthew 18:21-35.

Let's Reset Our Memory

Let's Reset Our Memory

This Easter Sunday, Pastor Ben shared with us on an interesting topic of “Let’s Reset Our Memory” with passages from Isaiah 61:1-3. There wee also two baby dedications and one baptism on this day!

Jesus Could Use The Imperfect

Jesus Could Use The Imperfect

On this Palm Sunday, guest speaker Pastor Cathy from 真道靈糧堂 came and shared with us on “This Is the Best He Can Do?” with passages from Matthew 26:36-46.

This Is the Best He Can Do?

This Sunday, Pastor Ben took a break from the book of Isaiah and shared with us on “This Is the Best He Can Do?” with passages from Matthew 26:36-46.

Ready-Set-Go 準備就緒

This Sunday, Pastor Jen from children ministry shared with us on “Ready-Set-Go 準備就緒”.

There Is Hope in Crisis & Chaos

During prophet Isaiah's time, Immanuel 以马内利 (God with us) - a sign to prove "God is with us" was given.
What does it mean at that time? What does it mean for us Today?

The Call to Holiness

This Sunday, Kitty shared with is on “The Call to Holiness” with passages from Isaiah 6.

Pressure Test 壓力測試

This week, Pastor Yu from Bread of Life (真道靈糧堂) shared with us on “Pressure Test 壓力測試” with passages from 2 Corinthians 4:7-9

Why We Worship?

This week, Pastor Ben shared with us on “Why We Worship?”

The Wisdom of God

This week, a guest speaker shared with us on “The Wisdom of God” with passages from 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Hope for the Future

This week, Pastor Ben shared with us on “Hope of the Future” with passages from Isaiah 2:1-22.

Intro to Isaiah

On the first Sunday of 2019, Pastor KC shared with us on “Intro to Isaiah”.

What Shall I Bring for My King?

We can get really distracted with all the busyness of Christmas, all the gift-giving, all the gift-receiving, that only goes horizontally, with our friends and family. We forget about the gift-giving, and gift-receiving that goes vertically, with our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot forget God in our busyness. We will take a look at the gifts that the pagan magi brought (gold, frankincense, myrrh) and dig into their prophetic significance, and what that means for us today.

Rejoicing in Difficult Times

Our life is a ministry. Whatever position we hold whether it's being a parent or a student, our role is the ministry that God has given us. Yet, sometimes these ministries can be tough, but the Bible instructs us to rejoice even in the midst of difficulty. So, why do we rejoice when ministry is hard?

Always Rejoice!

This week, Pastor Ben shared with us on “Always Rejoice!” with the passages from Philippians 4:4-7.

關鍵性的選擇 Key Factors in Making Choices

我們的生命裡, 有許多的時候, 都必須要做出一些關鍵性的選擇
這些決定, 對我們的生命影響深遠, 也是對我們靈性很好的操練
通過歷代志下18:1-13的三個不同人物: 約沙法王, 亞哈王和先知米該雅
我們可以學習在做這些選擇時, 我們該注意甚麼.