
Psalm 127

Elder Joe Hsu


On this Father’s Day, Elder Joe shared with us on “Target” with passages from Psalm 127. Also, as a surprise, Elder Joe’s daughters, Charlene and Faith, came and share with us on their father.

Sermon Audio

Sermon Slides

Photo Jun 16, 10 14 24 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 16, 10 15 48 AM.jpg
Sending off Barnabas for he is leaving for Seattle for work

Sending off Barnabas for he is leaving for Seattle for work

Sending off Amy and Ivy for their month long summer Asia missions.

Sending off Amy and Ivy for their month long summer Asia missions.

Charlene sharing with us on her father

Charlene sharing with us on her father

Faith sharing with us on her father

Faith sharing with us on her father

Elder Joe listening to Charlene and Faith’s sharing

Elder Joe listening to Charlene and Faith’s sharing

Elder Joe preaching on Target

Elder Joe preaching on Target