From Sadness to Praise

Book of Psalms

Brother Alex Guo

Alex Guo shared with the 1.5 Generation Congregation at EFCI on the topic of “From Sadness to Praise” from the book of Psalm. All songs trigger and express our emotion, but different from popular songs, the book of Psalms all directed their attention back to God. Through the interaction with God, many of the Israeli got transformed and regained their faith. Alex encouraged us to seek God in the face of struggle, and allow the spirit of God to transform us, from sadness to Praise.

Psalm 6

Psalm chapter 6 is one of the lament psalms that David had written. In verse 1-6, David expresses that he is exhausted beyond self-help, and he further calls on God’s mercy to end his suffering. However, starting form verse 7 there is a sudden burst of faith. And the repetition of “the Lord has heard/accepts” shows us that the transformation happened because David had encountered God, and God had answered his prayer.

It is important for us, Christian, to understand that God is close to the open hearted. That, we don’t need to be cleansed of our sin for God to hear our prayer. We can turn to God whenever we need him, and ask him to deliver us from the pain and suffering.

What are the Book of Psalms About?

If the book of Psalms was to divide into 5 sections. The first two sections end up being lament Psalms, and the last two are praises, which signal the transformation from sadness to praise. Furthermore, the last five Psalms all individually started and ended with the phrase “Praise the LORD”. The book of Psalms as a whole call on the community of believers to “Praise the Lord!”, so that our lives can be transformed by God and be taken from sadness to praise.

Be Transformed by God and Let Him Take Our Lives to go from Sadness to Praise.

No one is in the mood of praising God, when unfortunate events happened in our life. But through meeting God, our faith can be restored, our hearts can be comforted, our strength can be regained. We can be transformed by God, and be reaffirmed that God is in control.

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EFCI 1.5 Generation Worship Team

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EFCI 1.5 Generation Audio Visuals Team