Why should Christians Pursue Hospitality?

Sermon by Pastor KC Liu

Romans 12:9~13

Sermon Summary

Pastor KC shared with 1.5 Generation congregation on the topic of hospitality. He emphasized importance of hospitality in the history of the church and the impact it will bring to our ministry.

What is Hospitality?

Pastor KC clarified that hospitality is not about the decors of your home nor inviting friends to visit your house. Biblical hospitality is “opening of your home to meet the needs of strangers, church family and also servant of the Lord.”

 Every Christian Should Have the Heart for Gospel Ministry

Most non-Christians don’t feel comfortable going to church. Being proactively hospitable and providing a comfortable space creates an open opportunity to care for them, and to have a chance to teach God’s word.

Hospitality is Not a Spiritual Guilt, but a Command!

Our heavenly father offers hospitality to you no matter who you are and what you do, he welcomes you to his house (church). He does it because of his unimaginable mercy and love. Therefore, repay that hospitality to others “you did it to one of these brothers of mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” – Matthew 25:34-35