A Worthy Investment
A Worthy Investment
Mark 14:1-11
Pastor Kitty
On this Sunday, Pastor Kitty shared with 1.5 Generation Congregation on the topic of “A Worthy Investment” with Bible passages from Mark 14:1-11
Kingdom Investment looks at what God has done for me to know how much I can pour out for Him. 神國的投資是看上帝為我做了什麼來決定我可以為祂投入多少
I will not offer to God something that costs me nothing because He deserves more. 不用順便或方便獻祭給神,因為祂配得更多
Why do we think an investment is unworthy? What is our true reason? 為什麼我們覺得一個投資不值得?什麼才是背後真正的原因?
When we refuse to give radically, do we use other reasons to justify? 當我們拒絕完全的給予,我們是否用其他理由來合理化?